Friday 1 January 2016

How To Create A Sitemap On Blogger

Submitting a sitemap to search engines is the main factor to drive more traffic for your blog. Sitemap tells the search engines about your blog posts. Sitemap helps you to index your blog posts faster. It also helps the search engines to get information about your blog. Now, how to create a sitemap on blogger. If you want to create a sitemap on blogger just follow below some simple steps.

  1. Go to blogger and select your blog.
  2. Select setting tab and select search preference option.
    create sitemap on blogger
  3. Now, Click on custom robots.txt edit button and click yes.
    robots.txt fill
  4. After that fill the box with the code shown in image below.
    robots.txt code
  5. After filling the above code then click on save button.
  6. You think that your job is done, but now you need to submit it to search engine.
  7. If you want to submit your sitemap to google then go to and click on add a property.
  8. After adding your website click on and then click on sitemap.
  9. Click on add/test sitemap.
  10. Add your sitemap URL.
  11. Then click on submit sitemap and refresh your page.
  12. Your sitemap is submitted successfully.
Now your blogger sitemap is ready. You can check your sitemap by visiting

          Thursday 31 December 2015

          How To Create A Website/Blog For Free With Blogger

          Blogger is one of the most used and popular blogging platform because you can create a free blog on blogger. You can create a website / blog on blogger for free. Now just follow below steps to create a website for free. You can create a blog for personal use, business website, etc. If you want to build a long term blog then choose self hosted blog such as wordpress because blogger blogs are owned by google and google has the right to delete your blog without giving any warning.

          1. Firstly, Go to and create your blogger profile.
          2. Now click on new blog button
            create new website
          3. When you click on new blog a new window will appear.
            create free website
          4. Now, enter the title of your blog and domain for your blog.
          5. Select the theme for your blog.
          6. And then, click on create blog button and your blog is ready live on the internet.
          7. If, you want to remove the sub-domain then buy a new domain from domain provider and set your own custom domain for blogger.
          When your blog is ready then make your first ever post. You can also use other blogging platforms such as wordpress, blog, etc to create a free blog.